Today is a huge day for me! Similar to our shoots, I had to organize, schedule, and implement the interviews with all of the Endowment interns at SCETV this summer! I had the schedule ready and questions prepared- I had my fingers crossed that everything was going to run smoothly!Then it was time. 9:00 rolled around and our first interviewee, Michael McCall was going to set the bar. Tabitha pretty much handed Meagan and me the reigns and we set up the shot and the audio, and took our places. Meagan was behind the camera and I was on audio asking the questions. His interview went by without any problems and we were able to get some B-roll all within 30 minutes- just in time for the next interview with Tara Prater. For her interview, we pulled a professional in the field, Dave Adams, to come and sit in on some B-roll. Our next intern was David Kiser, who is working specifically in Radio, so the B-roll for his shoot was a lot of fun! We had some time before the next interview with Kalina Harrison, so now it was me and Meagan's turn to be on the opposite side of the camera. Since Meagan and I have had a wide variety of experiences, similar to most of the other interns, we had a tough decision setting the stage for our background and location of the shoot. Meagan did hers in the Master Control room and it was really fun interviewing her, just because we have been working together since the beginning of the summer and we haven't had the experience of seeing the other person on camera. She did really well and made me a little nervous for my interview. Since I love the vault SO much, what better place to do the interview than right there in the middle of the tape stacks? My interview went well- or so I think it did, I haven't seen the actual footage yet. I'm sure the audio is a little difficult because the background noise was a little loud at times. With everything done so far, I was really proud of Meagan and myself for being able to get in so many interviews in one day, and we weren't done. After our interview with Kalina, we traveled to ETV-Sumter to interview Destinee Clavon who is working with them on their set of "Making it Grow". It was great to see everyone again and I hope that wasn't our last time! But then after the interview, it was back to the office!
Ahhh, relief and gratitude. I was pretty excited that the shoots had gone so well and that everyone was ready at their allotted time. It's actually pretty funny too because these shoots went smoother than some of our actual interviews with businesses. I think having the communication background and media skills were the reason the interviews went so smoothly. All the interns know how tedious the editing process can be and they made our jobs a lot easier by phrasing their sentences in complete, concise, and brief sentences, the editing should be easier and easily transitionable (not sure if that's a word).
Now all that is left to do is edit our shoots from the other day, and our intern interviews and hopefully have them done before the Intern Luncheon. Also... currently, life in the cubicle is going well. Meagan has been busy calling the Chambers around Charleston county and scheduling shoots while I've been doing the same, but with Abbeville and Cherokee county. Abbeville is done and I'm crossing my fingers hoping everything goes well. Cherokee is causing me a little stress because I'm having a hard time finding stories. Other than that, life as an intern is good. :)
Happy belated birthday America and let the celebrations
continue! Today is our intern interviews for the ETV Endowment Internship
video. What’s that you say? Well like Uncle Sam’s notorious message to America,
ETV wants to let potential interns to know that “WE WANT YOU!” And Jenny and I
are in charge of relaying that very important message.
So here’s a quick shpeel of our big gig:
Jenny set up the interview schedule for all of the endowment
interns (you go girl!) and acted as the intern liaison. Our main initiative
today was interviewing and shooting b-roll for every endowment intern available
(8 of us) to compile in summer 2013 internship video. It was time to put our
big girl pants on and step into the real world. We were completely in charge of
directing, filming, and interviewing. I admit it was difficult to restrain my
control freak mentality, but Jenny and I make a solid team. We worked together
in coming up with some snazzy shots, relevant locations for interviews, and
visions of a masterpiece. My favorite part however was interviewing each other. I want to be an on air talent so it was great being on camera again. A tad bit nerve racking but exhilarating at the same time. Jenny kept me at ease with the interview so it was easy breezy once we got started. We have both come so far since the first day we were introduced to ETV. Now it’s
crazy to think we are putting a video together to summarize all of our
experiences. And a 2-minute video at that! With all of the memorable sound
bites from the endowment interns, we have our work cut out for us. However,
their inspirational and encouraging words will keep us pressing on. Man, what a
powerful working environment we work in.
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